Explore my portfolio showcasing my film and media projects, including roles as Director, Production Assistant, and Videographer. Each entry reflects my dedication to storytelling and visual artistry, highlighting my contributions to various films and collaborative efforts. Discover the breadth of my work and my passion for creating impactful content.

Director, Diamond Caskets (Short)
Oversaw the production of "Diamond Caskets," a short film set in New York and New Jersey.
Responsibilities included directing, cinematography, and co-writing the script. Managed a team
of actors and crew, ensuring cohesive storytelling and visual execution.
Production Assistant, Chàt a Table (Short)
In my multifaceted role on the short film "Chat À Table," I contributed as both a Production
Assistant and Set Designer under the guidance of Mona Makkawi.

Directer/ Writer/ Producer, In an Instant (Short)
In my comprehensive role for the short film "In an Instant," filmed in Beirut, Lebanon, I was
responsible for writing, directing, and producing the project. This multifaceted position required
a deep understanding of narrative development, creative direction, and production
management, culminating in a successful execution of the film from concept to completion.
Videographer, Seal
I served as the videographer for a significant fundraising event in New York, organized by SEAL
(Social and Economic Action for Lebanon), capturing key moments and promoting the
organization's mission towards social and economic betterment in Lebanon.

BTS Photographer, Citizen Films
In this role, I provided comprehensive support on set for various film projects, ensuring efficient
operations and meeting tight production schedules. My responsibilities included managing
equipment, assisting with scene setups and breakdowns, and coordinating communication
between different departments to facilitate a smooth production process. Additionally, I acted as
the Unit Production Manager when necessary, overseeing the production budget, scheduling,
and staff to ensure project objectives were met efficiently.
Production Assistant, If He Sleeps Longer (Short)
In my multifaceted role on the short film “If He Sleeps Longer" I contributed as both a
Production Assistant and a script supervisor, Making sure every scene had notes and labeled

Photographer, Wedding —Washington DC
I served as the the photographer and videographer for a wedding in DC,, capturing key
moments of the happy couple and their guests.